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#BiggerTogether: One Story of a Powerful Big Sister and Little Sister Match

Staff | Published on 9/21/2022

After more than two years of racial unrest, economic uncertainty, and social isolation, kids need support now more than ever! Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin matchs adult volunteers with children to create a caring and supportive relationship that builds children’s resilience and promotes their mental health and well-being. Research shows that mentored youth excel - 93% of mentored youth graduate from high school versus 70% of Twin Cities students without a mentor. 

Every child can benefit from another caring adult in their life. Our volunteers recognize the promise in today's young people, see the best in them, encourage their dreams, and provide support and friendship. The benefits a positive role model can have on young people are endless, but these life-changing relationships go both ways. Volunteers report that they received as much from their volunteer experience as they gave. Together, we can prepare the next generation for a successful and rewarding future. #BiggerTogether

Big Sister Courtney and Little Sister Peyton are a match that demonstrates the unique power of this mentorship. Courtney shares that they both lost their mothers to addiction-related reasons. She reflects it’s helpful to have that in common since there’s more stigma surrounding this type of loss. They support each other in conversations of loss and grief. Courtney shares, “I am another person whose mom died too soon and just that fact helps Peyton see she is not alone in her experience. It doesn’t always feel comfortable – or at least, one can often feel like the other person may be uncomfortable about bringing up the loss or the person who died. But a big aspect of our match is that we both know that isn’t true.”

Along with navigating this loss together, the two like to make time to try new activities together like canoeing and mini-golfing. Their Match Engagement Coordinator, Kang Moua, says, “I enjoy checking in with both Peyton and Courtney monthly! It’s always a joy to hear their adventures together.” Courtney and Peyton are a great example of how a match relationship can find community through life’s hardships and truly speaks to how we are #BiggerTogether.