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MAVA's Discussion Forums

Jenna Egan | Published on 7/15/2022

Do you have a volunteer engagement question that you would like to ask your peers? As a MAVA member, you can ask questions, start a discussion topic, and connect with volunteer engagement colleagues on MAVA’s Discussion Boards! 

Here’s how to use MAVA’s Discussion Boards

1. Go to MAVA’s homepage and at the top right side of the menu, click on “Discussion Boards” 


2. Next, “Login” to your MAVA member account 


3. Click on discussion board ‘MAVA Voice’


4. At the top of the “MAVA Voice” discussion board you’ll be able start a new thread
and select 
Forum Preferences – where you can have discussions sent directly to your emails
and more! Be sure to save your forum preferences at the bottom of the page. 


To learn more about Discussion Boards watch this video. You can also learn how to utilize all of your MAVA membership benefits at Getting the Most out of YOUR MAVA Membership on the last Wednesday of the month at 12 PM (CST) via Zoom.