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VISTA View February/March, 2022

Jonathan A Grinde | Published on 3/31/2022

Lindsey Noyed started her VISTA year of service in September 2021, at the Foundation for Essential Needs (FFEN). As a VISTA she has been working to build the capacity of FFEN to provide services and support their partner food shelves throughout Minnesota — they have partnered with over 100 food shelves since 2013.

One of her projects has been to create an orientation and introduction for people coming to FFEN for the first time, including new volunteers, donors, and any interested individuals.

That project has resulted in a monthly virtual orientation being drafted, piloted, and led by Lindsey. It takes place on the first Tuesday of each month from noon to 1pm and can be signed up for here:
FFEN Introduction.

The first iteration of the orientation took place on February 1st, 2022 and included current FFEN board members, volunteers, and other interested individuals.

The project combined the work of Lindsey (VISTA), the Director of Advancement (Kristin VanHeel), and other team members who shared their insights about FFEN and its history.

Below is a picture of Lindsey (left) while working on another project on a site visit to food shelf. Also pictured is a FFEN project manager.