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HomeLeaders of Faith-Based Volunteers

LFBV is a professional organization that provides education, networking, and affirmation to those who build systems and engage others to equip people to use their spiritual gifts. LFBV seeks to equip volunteer engagement professionals and leaders by supporting the profession through the sharing of methods, systems, and ideas; by providing best practices and other resources; by encouraging networking opportunities; by creating engaging education experiences in a variety of learning styles, and facilitating time for reflection, growth, and renewal.

News, Events, & Resources

Our History


In the 1980s our association was born out of a group of people who were serving in volunteer coordinator positions in their churches. Two of their number had a vision of an informal association that would share support, concerns, learning opportunities and challenges in the field of working with volunteers in church settings. This group called themselves “10+”.


In 1990 the group formally organized themselves as the Minnesota Association of Church Volunteer Coordinators (MACVC). Their mission statement identified their purpose: “As a group of Church Volunteer Coordinators (paid and unpaid), we believe we are called to serve in ministry which enables members of the body of Christ to discover, develop, and use their God-given gifts…We gather together to receive and offer support, share ideas and concerns, expand our knowledge in the field of volunteerism, and network with other church coordinators.” MACVC met bi-monthly and provided a variety of topics, speakers, panels, and networking opportunities. Officers were elected to an Executive Board.


In 1992 Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were written and approved by the membership.


Starting in 1998, representatives from MACVC were invited to meet with representatives from other volunteer management associations in the state to explore the creation of a new state professional organization.

In 2000 MACVC changed its name to Directors of Church Volunteer Ministries (DCVM), to better reflect the professional nature of the work of its members.


In 2001 the Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement (MAVA) was formed. A year later DCVM voted to become a participating network under the MAVA statewide umbrella. While DCVM still continues to meet on a bi-monthly basis and offer support and educational opportunities targeted to faith-based volunteer directors, it also now has the opportunity to access speakers and educational programs through its membership in the state-wide association as well

In 2017, the Directors of Church Volunteer Ministries (DCVM) transitioned into a more intentionally inclusive sector network of MAVA that invites in all faith traditions. DCVM is now known as the Leaders of Faith-Based Volunteers in Minnesota (LFBV).