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HomeDiversity, Equity and Inclusion Trainer

Become a MAVA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Trainer


Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement (MAVA) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Trainers facilitate MAVA’s highly interactive and engaging workshops on topics of privilege, bias, microaggressions and antiracism, along with racial equity in volunteerism.


What are the criteria for becoming a MAVA DEI trainer?

MAVA DEI trainers come from a variety of backgrounds and are all committed to sharing their knowledge and expertise with others. To determine if you have the qualifications and time to participate in this initiative, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you have previous experience facilitating training in-person and/or virtually?
  • Have you led interactive DEI trainings for employees and volunteers?
  • Do you have experience working with people of varied racial, cultural, economic, educational and religious backgrounds?
  • Are you comfortable discussing, training and advocating for racial equity?
  • Are you willing to participate in a train-the-trainer session?
  • Are you willing to participate in periodic trainer coaching sessions?
  • Are you able to commit to leading a minimum of five presentations over the next year?
  • Are you able to do some travel throughout Minnesota, including Greater Minnesota, to present workshops?

As a MAVA DEI trainer, what is expected of me?

As a MAVA DEI trainer, we will ask you to commit to leading a minimum of five 1–2-hour workshops over the next year. We will help you succeed by providing you with training, a PowerPoint presentation and a recording of the workshop. The workshops include: 

  • 8 Strategies for Creating a More Inclusive Volunteer Program
  • No “One Right Way:” Imagining New Systems for Volunteer Engagement
  • An Introduction to Privilege, Bias and Microaggressions
  • Antiracism 101
  • More DEI topics to be developed later

We will ask you to sign an agreement to fulfill your trainer obligations and to utilize the MAVA-developed curriculum in a designated manner. We will also ask you to help MAVA identify organizations and networks in your community that may want to offer the workshops.


How will I receive training?

After we receive and approve your application, we will ask you to attend a Train the Trainer Training to learn about each of MAVA’s DEI trainings and to observe a few workshops. There is no cost to attend the Train the Trainer Training and to observe workshops.


When and where will I train for MAVA?

After you have completed the Train the Trainer Training and have had time to familiarize yourself with the curriculum, we will match you with training opportunities. Trainings will be promoted and coordinated through the MAVA office.

What is the compensation?
As a trainer, you will receive a stipend of $100 for each workshop you present (typically 1-2 hours, but sometimes up to 3 hours) as well as mileage reimbursement.


What are the next steps?

To apply to become a trainer, complete the trainer application, reference form, trainer commitment agreement and submit your resume at by Sunday, January 2, 2022.  Once we receive your application, we will contact you with next steps.


Questions? Contact Wendy Vang-Roberts, Training Director, at