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About Us

The Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement (MAVA) formed in 2001 is an intermediary focused on providing field-based research, relevant training and capacity building resources for nonprofits across the country.

Our mission is to advance the power of volunteerism to deepen community impact through uplifting community voices, building connections, providing education, and promoting advocacy.

MAVA aims to enhance the capacity of community-based partners to adapt to evolving needs in the region. To do this, it:  

  • Invests & Leverages: Directs and leverages strategic flow of significant capital to people and communities with underdeveloped assets

  • Builds Organizational & Ecosystem Capacity: Develops leadership and capacity at the local level to equip individuals, community partners and local coalitions to implement effective strategies;  

  • Allyship: Serves as trusted partner to organizations and community seeking to design and deliver people-centered solutions in their communities; 

  • Convenes: Fosters collaboration by coordinating resources across sectors and creating communities of practice in building collective action

  • Advocates: Advances innovative ideas based on field-based research and engages in local and state policy arenas.


Launched in 2001, MAVA sprouted from dozens of small, separate networks of volunteer managers throughout Minnesota. Volunteer administrators understood as early as 1990 that there was no common voice for volunteer administration in Minnesota and that the myriad of small networks severely strained financial resources and leadership potential.
In 1997, this void was further recognized when President Clinton convened the Presidents' Summit for America's Future and planners could not identify a central stateside professional association for volunteer administration in Minnesota. This spurred leaders in Minnesota's volunteer community to once again renew their vision to consolidate networks into one strong association. They saw that a single alliance would advance the profession of volunteer administration by enhancing visibility and credibility. In 1998, Volunteer Leadership 2000 invited more than 40 small networks to develop the new statewide alliance that would be known as the Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration.
Launched on November 14, 2001, MAVA now combines the resources and knowledge of many of these separate groups. With the closing of the Minnesota Office of Citizenship and Volunteer Services during Governor Jesse Ventura's administration in 2002 and severe cuts to social programs in subsequent years, Minnesota's volunteer programs are under increasingly severe strain. The resources and education provided by MAVA are now more vital than ever.

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