Kirsten Hoaby
Nominated by MAVA Staff
Over the past few years, Kirsten Hoaby has made professional and geographical moves — she has coordinated volunteers at multiple different organizations, and even moved from Minnesota to Boulder, CO. And through all of these professional and life changes, Kirsten has remained a faithful MAVA volunteer and highly valued member of MAVA’s community!
Kirsten has brought steadiness and consistency to MAVA’s professional development committee, both as an active member and as co-chair from 2021-2023. She has helped plan and lead numerous volunteer engagement trainings, conferences, and MAVA Connections over the years. She was instrumental in developing and launching MAVA’s BIPOC and White Allies Affinity Groups. And she has elevated the caliber of conversations among volunteer engagement leaders, with her warm curiosity, nuanced insights, and commitment to inclusion.
Kirsten is enthusiastic and willing to serve as a thought-partner, collaborator, and leader in both visible and behind-the-scenes ways. In 2022 she traveled from Colorado to Minnesota to volunteer in-person at MAVA's summer Volunteer Engagement Conference. And for the 2023 conference, she went above and beyond to organize and lead the team of virtual session host volunteers, which was a challenging role that she handled with so much resourcefulness and grace!
Kirsten is a joy to partner with and we are so fortunate that she has chosen to dedicate her time and energy to help bring high-quality training and education to volunteer engagement leaders! The MAVA staff is excited to honor Kirsten Hoaby’s generosity, leadership, dedication, and insightfulness, with MAVA's volunteer of the year award.